Sunday, January 22, 2012

How to style golden leggings

Tohle puvodne nemel b�t ��dn� n�vod, ale prosba o radu... Pred p�r dny jsem si domu prinesla tyhle zlat� leg�ny a nemela jsem tu�en�, s c�m je budu kombinovat. Tak jsem vyt�hla skoro v�echno oblecen� ze skr�ne a zacala jsem experimentovat. A ted budu r�da za ka�d� v� n�zor, pripom�nku ci n�vrh :)
Originally I had no intention to make a guide or something like that. I rather wanted to ask you an advice... A few days ago I brought home this golden leggings and I had no idea what to match them with. So I took almost all clothes out of a wardrobe and I started to experiment. Now I welcome every your opinion, comment or suggestion :)

A taky bych v�m chtela podekovat za 300 followers a v�echny va�e koment�re, m�m obrovskou radost!
And I�d like to thank you for 300 followers and all your comments, I�m so happy!

Elle ?

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