Minul� t�den jsem se znovu chystala do divadla a prem�lela jsem, v cem pujdu. Puvodne jsem mela nachystanou sukni a halenku, ale v m�nus buhv�kolik se mi opravdu nechtelo po meste behat v silonk�ch. U� to vypadalo, �e budu muset j�t v kalhot�ch (co� j� opravdu nerada), ale nakonec jsem vymyslela tohle. Pod tlust�mi cern�mi puncoch�ci m�m je�te jedny - termo. A nav�c jsem vyre�ila dal�� probl�m - v divadle je mi v�dycky hrozn� zima a jsem potom na�tvan�, �e mus�m b�t celou dobu ve svetru. Takhle jsem ho zakomponovala do cel�ho outfitu a byla jsem spokojen� :)
Last week I was preparing to theater and I was thinking what to put on. Initially I prepared a skirt and a blouse but it was whoknowshowmany grades below zero and I really didn�t feel like running around only in nylons. It already seemed that I would have to wear pants (which I really don�t like), but eventually I thought up this combination. I had two thick tights - the lower pair is thermo. And I solved also another problem - in theatre I�m always cold and then I�m annoyed to keep a cardigan the whole time. Here I worked it right into the outfit and I was content :)
Wearing: ko�ile/shirt H&M, svetr/cardi ZARA, sukne/skirt PIMKIE, boty/heels CCC, prst�nek/ring C&A
Tem, kdo slav�, preji hezk�ho Valent�na!
For those who celebrate - happy Valentine�s day!
Vcera jsem zacala pracovat na nov�m designu a u� se nemu�u dockat :) Je�te to ale bude cht�t spoustu hodin pr�ce...
Yesterday I started to work on a new design and I really can�t wait :) But it will take a lot of hours of work...
Last week I was preparing to theater and I was thinking what to put on. Initially I prepared a skirt and a blouse but it was whoknowshowmany grades below zero and I really didn�t feel like running around only in nylons. It already seemed that I would have to wear pants (which I really don�t like), but eventually I thought up this combination. I had two thick tights - the lower pair is thermo. And I solved also another problem - in theatre I�m always cold and then I�m annoyed to keep a cardigan the whole time. Here I worked it right into the outfit and I was content :)
Wearing: ko�ile/shirt H&M, svetr/cardi ZARA, sukne/skirt PIMKIE, boty/heels CCC, prst�nek/ring C&A
Tem, kdo slav�, preji hezk�ho Valent�na!
For those who celebrate - happy Valentine�s day!
Vcera jsem zacala pracovat na nov�m designu a u� se nemu�u dockat :) Je�te to ale bude cht�t spoustu hodin pr�ce...
Yesterday I started to work on a new design and I really can�t wait :) But it will take a lot of hours of work...
Elle ?
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