Jedna z vec�, kter� ted pou��v�m nejcasteji je urcite vonav� rtenka Rimmel z kolekce Kate Moss c. 09. Naprosto me nadchla svou barvou. Vet�ina ji sice m� za cervenou, ale j� jsem ji od zac�tku videla jako tmave ru�ovou a pro me u� takov� i zustane.
One of the thing I�m currently using most often is a sweet-smelling lipstick by Rimmel Kate Moss Nr. 09. I�m absolutely fascinated by its colour. Others call it red, but I already from the beginning took it for deep pink and it remains so.
U� jste si na spouste blogu mohli prec�st pocetn� (pozitivn�) recenze na tyto rtenka a j� jen potvrd�m, �e m� pr�jemnou kr�movou konzistenci, obrovskou pigmentaci (a� jsem se napoprv� lekla) a taky velkou v�dr�. Pokud chcete v�dr� (u jak�koliv rtenky) je�te zv�it, m�m pro v�s 2 tipy:
- pod rtenku naneste podkladovou b�zi nebo tekut� make-up
- naneste prvn� vrstvu rtenky, lehce poklepte (sypk�m) pudrem a naneste vrstvu druhou. Kdy� si rtenku "nesn�te", vydr�� v�m vecne!
A taky bych pri tak tmav�m odst�nu doporucila pou��t konturku, ale to u� je na v�s.
You certainly could see a lot of (positive) reviews of these lipsticks on other blogs and I can only confirm that it has creamy formulation, incredible pigmentation and it�s really long lasting. If you still want to extend the permanence (of any lipstick) I have 2 tips for you:
- before using the lipstick apply on your lips make-up base or a foundation
- apply the first layer of the lipstick, cover your lips lightly with powder and apply the second lipstick layer. If you don�t "eat" it, it will last forever!
And I would recommend to use a lipliner with such a rich shade, but it�s up to you.
Druh� vec je u� v�ce praktick�, jsou to kr�my na ruce od Neutrogeny. V takov�chto mrazech m� such� ruce snad ka�d�. A j� m�m krome toho nav�c i probl�m, �e nesnesu ulepen� ruce (napr�klad od mastnej��ch kr�mu). Na�test� m�m por�d v kabelce modrou Neutrogenu Fast absorbing hand cream. Tento kr�m m� jemnou, nemastnou konzistenci, snadno se rozt�r� (stac� ho opravdu jen malink� mno�stv�) a t�mer hned se vs�kne - pro me nejdule�itej�� vlastnost. Kr�m je jemne parfemovan�, ale pro me je to pr�jemn�, nevt�rav� vune. Ruce zustanou hydratovan� a pr�jemne jemn�. Vecer pred span�m pou��v�m cerven� Hand cream concentrated. Ten u� je o pozn�n� mastnej��, s vysok�m obsahem glycerinu, ale taky se docela rychle vs�kne. Opet ho stac� jen mal� mno�stv� (na obalu je uvedeno, �e v�m balen� vystac� na 200 pou�it�). Tento kr�m se�enete ve dvou verz�ch - tato cerven� je neparfemovan� a modr� je parfemovan�.
The other thing is more practical - hand creams from Neutrogena. With this temperature deeply below zero almost everyone has dry hands. Besides I really hate a feeling of greasy hands (caused by most hand creams). Fortunately I have always in my handbag a blue Neutrogena Fast absorbing hand cream. This cream has very light, non greasy texture, easy to spread (really very little quantity is enough) and absorbs almost instantly - for me the most important quality. The scent is light and fresh, it really became my favourite one. Hands are immediately moisturised and soft. Before going to bed I use red Hand cream concentrated. This one is visibly more greasy, with a high content of glycerin. However, it absorbs quite quickly, too. Again really small amount is enough You can get both scented or unscented version.
The other thing is more practical - hand creams from Neutrogena. With this temperature deeply below zero almost everyone has dry hands. Besides I really hate a feeling of greasy hands (caused by most hand creams). Fortunately I have always in my handbag a blue Neutrogena Fast absorbing hand cream. This cream has very light, non greasy texture, easy to spread (really very little quantity is enough) and absorbs almost instantly - for me the most important quality. The scent is light and fresh, it really became my favourite one. Hands are immediately moisturised and soft. Before going to bed I use red Hand cream concentrated. This one is visibly more greasy, with a high content of glycerin. However, it absorbs quite quickly, too. Again really small amount is enough You can get both scented or unscented version.
Elle ?
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