Wearing: bunda/jacket e.v.e. jeans, tricko/tee bought in Rome, kratasy/shorts GATE, leg�ny/leggings e-bay, n�ramek/bangle H&M, tenisky/sneakers NIKE
O per� do vlasu jste urcite u� sly�eli. Nemohla jsem se dlouho rozhodnout, jestli se mi tento trend l�b� nebo ne, ale proto�e me v�dycky bav� nov� veci, rozhodla jsem se to alespon vyzkou�et. Prou�ky jsem si dala dva - modr� a svetle hned� (je kousek vedle a je na fotce �patne videt). Kdy� nos�m vlasy norm�lne (a nem�m je sepnut� sponkou jako tady), nejsou p�rka skoro videt, jen obcas vykouknou. M�m je u� cca 5 t�dnu a zat�m bezvadne dr��. Nicm�ne prem�l�m o tom, �e u� je sund�m, proto�e me u� trochu omrzely. Jestli to chcete vyzkou�et i vy, je to �plne jednoduch�. Video s n�vodem najdete treba u Lucy.
You�ve certainly heard of feather hair extensions. I couldn�t decided for some time if I actually like it or not. But I love anything new so I decided to try it at least. I got two strips - dark blue and light brown (the second one is not well visible in this picture, but it�s there). When I wear my usual hairstyle (without a hair clip like here) the feathers are almost invisible, only poke out sometimes while moving. I have it for almost 5 weeks and it remain still perfectly attached. However, I�m thinking of removing it because I�m alread quite tired of that. If you want to try it too, it�s very easy. You can find a bunch of videos on You Tube how to apply feather extensions at home.
Elle ?
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