Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Theatre outfit

Hezk� r�no :) Venku je opravdu, ale opravdu velk� zima, nicm�ne divadeln� sez�na je v pln�m proudu (i kdy� pri ka�d� ceste domu neuveritelne mrznu). Tohle byl jeden z m�ch vecern�ch outfitu. V posledn�ch letech u� divadlo nen�, co b�valo - st�le v�ce lid� chod� proste jen v rifl�ch nebo v cemkoliv jin�m, v cem pravdepodobne chodili cel� den. A pak ani nen� o prest�vce co pozorovat. Nicm�ne pro me je to v�dycky vz�cn� pr�le�itost, kdy mu�u vyt�hnout nejak� hezk� �aty a trochu si u��t i tu pr�pravu, nejenom samotn� divadlo.  Co vy a divadlo? A co vy a zima?
Good morning :) Outside it�s really really cold still theatrical season is in full flow (even though I�m freezing everytime I�m returning home). This was one of my evening outfits. During last few years we could notice not very pleasant trend - still more and more people when going to theatre dress in jeans or just something they probably have been wearing all day. And then there�s nothing to observe at the interval. However, I really like to take out from the wardrobe some nice dress and enjoy also a preparation, not only the theatre. What about you and theatre? And what about you and winter?

Wearing: �aty/dress TOPSHOP, boty/heels DEICHMANN

Elle ?

Monday, January 30, 2012

What makes me happy now

Nejlep�� m�tov� bonb�ny z M&S.
The best mint candies by M&S.

Ru�ov� valent�nsk� balz�m na rty z Next.
Pink valentine lip balm by Next. 

Hork� cokol�da s marshmallows.
Hot chocolate with marsmallows. 

Jako pozad� pro focen� mi poslou�il muj nov� cokol�dov� kalend�r, cel� rok mi bude delat chute :) A z ceho m�te radost vy?
As a background I used my new chocolate calender which will tempt me all year :) What makes you happy now?

Elle ?

GQ Best-Dressed Men in Britain 2012

DGandy GQ 26 Jan12 David Gandy is in 17th place among the GQ's most stylish men of 2012 in its annual 50 Best-Dressed Men list.

Source: GQ Best-Dressed Men 2012 & To See the 2011 List

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Gallery Update: by Oscar Falk


2008 Pictures

 David Gandy for ''Plaza Magazine' # 9 issue Oct/Nov 2008, 
by Oscar Falk

I (don�t) love NY, because...

Wearing: bunda/jacket e.v.e. jeans, tricko/tee bought in Rome, kratasy/shorts GATE, leg�ny/leggings e-bay, n�ramek/bangle H&M, tenisky/sneakers NIKE 

O per� do vlasu jste urcite u� sly�eli. Nemohla jsem se dlouho rozhodnout, jestli se mi tento trend l�b� nebo ne, ale proto�e me v�dycky bav� nov� veci, rozhodla jsem se to alespon vyzkou�et. Prou�ky jsem si dala dva - modr� a svetle hned� (je kousek vedle a je na fotce �patne videt). Kdy� nos�m vlasy norm�lne (a nem�m je sepnut� sponkou jako tady), nejsou p�rka skoro videt, jen obcas vykouknou. M�m je u� cca 5 t�dnu a zat�m bezvadne dr��. Nicm�ne prem�l�m o tom, �e u� je sund�m, proto�e me u� trochu omrzely. Jestli to chcete vyzkou�et i vy, je to �plne jednoduch�. Video s n�vodem najdete treba u Lucy.
You�ve certainly heard of feather hair extensions. I couldn�t decided for some time if I actually like it or not. But I love anything new so I decided to try it at least. I got two strips - dark blue and light brown (the second one is not well visible in this picture, but it�s there).  When I wear my usual hairstyle (without a hair clip like here) the feathers are almost invisible, only poke out sometimes while moving. I have it for almost 5 weeks and it remain still perfectly attached. However, I�m thinking of removing it because I�m alread quite tired of that. If you want to try it too, it�s very easy. You can find a bunch of videos on You Tube how to apply feather extensions at home.

Elle ?

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Tuhle sukni jsem si pletla cel� dve minul� zimy a letos jsem ji i konecne vzala na sebe :)
I was knitting this skirt for last two winters and this year I finally managed to wear it, too :)

Elle ?

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Dior Magic Show + Postcrossing

M�te r�di kouzeln�ky? A m�te r�di Dior??
Do you like magic? And do you like Dior??

Vzpom�n�te si, jak jsem ned�vno (no, mo�n� d�vno) psala o Postcrossingu? Tak po dlouh� dobe mi zase pri�ly nejak� pohlednice. A tentokr�t opravdu kr�sn�! Naprosto neodolateln� ru�ov� cupcake od Anne Marie z Nizozem� a taky moje vubec prvn� fashion pohlednice! Ta pri�la od Olessie z Ruska, kter� m� r�da m�du, cokol�du a It�lii, stejne jako j� :)) 
Do you remembre when I recently (well, maybe no so recently) wrote about Postcrossing? So after some time I received some postcards. And this time really lovely ones. For example absolutely irresistible pink cupcake from Anne Marie from Netherlands and my very first fashion postcard! This one arrived from Olessia from Russia and she likes fashion, chocolate and Italy, like me :)) Thank you girls!

Jeden z m�ch nejobl�benej��ch typu pohlednic jsou ruzn� pam�tky, mestecka, krajiny... jednodu�e takov�, jak� se pos�laj� z dovolen�. Tentokr� mi udelala radost Betty, od kter� mi pri�el pohled dokonce z It�lie, a taky Dasha - ta mi poslala tento zaj�mav� pohled z Beloruska.
One of my favourite postard type is one showing historical buildings, city views, landscapes... simply the kind you would send from your holiday. This time I was happy to receive one like this from Betty from Italy (love love!) and the very interesting one is from Dasha from Belarus. Thank you so much!

Elle ?

Sunday, January 22, 2012

How to style golden leggings

Tohle puvodne nemel b�t ��dn� n�vod, ale prosba o radu... Pred p�r dny jsem si domu prinesla tyhle zlat� leg�ny a nemela jsem tu�en�, s c�m je budu kombinovat. Tak jsem vyt�hla skoro v�echno oblecen� ze skr�ne a zacala jsem experimentovat. A ted budu r�da za ka�d� v� n�zor, pripom�nku ci n�vrh :)
Originally I had no intention to make a guide or something like that. I rather wanted to ask you an advice... A few days ago I brought home this golden leggings and I had no idea what to match them with. So I took almost all clothes out of a wardrobe and I started to experiment. Now I welcome every your opinion, comment or suggestion :)

A taky bych v�m chtela podekovat za 300 followers a v�echny va�e koment�re, m�m obrovskou radost!
And I�d like to thank you for 300 followers and all your comments, I�m so happy!

Elle ?

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Rag Radio : David Edwards on Transformative Trends in World Affairs

University of Texas Government Professor David Edwards in the KOOP studios in Austin, Friday, January 13, 2012. Photo by Thorne Dreyer / The Rag Blog.UT-Austin Government Prof David Edwardsdiscusses transformative trends in international relationsand the crisis of the capitalist empire --on Rag Radio with Thorne Dreyer. Listen to it here:Tom Hayden, director of the Peace and Justice Resource

FILM / Alan Waldman : A Look Back at My Favorite Films

James Gandolfini in the British film, In the Loop.From 2003 to 2010:Looking back at my favorite filmsBy Alan Waldman / The Rag Blog / January 18, 2012[Last week we posted Alan Waldman's 10 Favorite Films of 2011, with his list headed by The Help, The King's Speech, and The Guard. Now Alan presents his favorites, by year, going back to 2003.]2010:CITY ISLAND is a wonderful comedy drama about

Jorge Rivas and Jamilah King : SOPA and the Internet Blackout

What is SOPA? Here are five things you need to knowWikipedia was among several websites to shut down Wednesday in protest of anti-piracy bills now in Congress that critics say could amount to censorship.Instead of the usual encyclopedia articles, visitors to Wikipedia's English-language site were greeted by a message about the decision to black out its Web page for an entire day."Imagine a World

Lamar W. Hankins : Funeral Costs Need not Require Charity

Making an informed decision:Paying for a funeral need not require charityMany families succumb to grief, social pressures, and salesmanship by a funeral director and spend much more on the funeral than they can afford.By Lamar W. Hankins / The Rag Blog / January 18, 2012I was startled last Friday to see a news item in the Austin American-Statesman about a family that needs $8,700 in additional

Scott Galindez : Black Churches to 'Occupy the Dream'

Young people participating in the Occupy the Dream rally in front of the Federal Reserve in Washington DC, January 16, 2012. Photo by Scott Galindez / RSN.Occupy the Dream:Black churches join the Occupy movementRallies throughout the country are designed to pick up the mantle of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s dream. By Scott Galindez / Reader Supported News / January 18, 2012In 16 cities around

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tom Hayden : Preventing the Coming War with Iran

Image from Antinews.Preventing the coming war with IranRational self-interest is not always enough to prevent what Barbara Tuchman has called 'the march to folly.'By Tom Hayden / The Rag Blog / January 17, 2012Peace and justice activist Tom Hayden and Rag Blog editor Thorne Dreyer will continue their discussion on Rag Radio this Friday, January 20, 2-3 p.m. (CST) on KOOP 91.7-FM in Austin, and

Harry Targ : 'Right to Work (for Less)' in Indiana

Workers in Indiana opposing HB 1104. Image from PR Watch.'Right to Work (for Less)' in Indiana:The historic battle against workersBy Harry Targ / The Rag Blog / January 17, 2012WEST LAFAYETTE, Indiana -- Fifty working people assembled at a town hall meeting in West Lafayette, Indiana, on Saturday, January 14, to share information about the latest phase of Indiana�s battle over a new �

Monday, January 16, 2012

William Rogers : Austin Workers Rally to Recall Scott Walker

At the Recall Walker rally in Austin: Travis Donoho, left, organizer for Education Austin (American Federation of Teachers) and Steve Rossignol, Texas State Association of Electrical Workers. Photo by Carlos Lowry / The Rag Blog.As Scott Walker speaks in Austin:Unions rally to support recallefforts of Wisconsin workersBy William Rogers / The Rag Blog / January 16, 2012See more photos,

Kate Braun : Dark Moon Magick

Dark Moon. Image from The Sage Grove.Moon Musings: Dark Moon(January 20 � 22, 2012)By Kate Braun / The Rag Blog / January 16, 201210 a.m. is the best time to perform Dark Moon magick for the garden. This moon-phase is excellent for removing what�s not needed, as gardening lore states that whatever is pruned, trimmed, weeded out, etc. during the moon�s fourth quarter and dark phases will not

Ted McLaughlin : Class Conflict and the Disappearance of the Middle Class

Class conflict risesas middle class disappearsThe growing inequality of wealth and income in this country has reached a point where it is now causing a conflict between the rich (the 1%) and the vast majority of Americans. By Ted McLaughlin / The Rag Blog / January 16, 2012The graphic above (from Think Progress) shows what has been happening to the American middle class in the last 40 years. To

Friday, January 13, 2012

How to Access Facebook on Mobile Without Internet

Facebook has  become a  part and parcel of our life . Most of us login at least once a day to Fb to update Status and see the news feeds from your buddies. Well you need a Gadget like Mobile , Pc , laptop to use Facebook and most importantly you need an Internet connection like braodband , 3G, Wifi connection ,Gprs or Edge (For mobiles ) etc.
Now suppose If you go to a remote place (like a village ), where there is no connctivity of Internet , then you will surely gonna miss Facebook acccess. Well there is a Good news for Facebook Fans,  From now onwards , you no more need a Data plan(Gprs or Edge) on your mobile phones to access facebook , Fonetwish , a Singapore firm has partnered with Facebook India to enable every indian user to access Fcebook on Mobile phones without data plans . Well this is an awesome feature if you are having a old age mobile phone like Nokia 1100 , 2310 , 3310 or old motorola , this brand new service will help you to access facebook anytime and  anywhere.

Technology upon which Facebook via Fonetwish works :

Fonetwish is a USSD (Unstructured Supplementary Service Data) based service which brings the power of Internet on Ordinary Mobile phones. USSD is GSM based service that enables sending text messages between a Mobile phone and an Application program in the  network. You can do may things  by this service like Updating your status , wall post , notifications , Friend requests. Beside this they also have push  notification  feature that automatically sends you notifications on your mobile sets.

How it works : 

1. Firstly you need a Mobile phone. As I have told you that this service works on every mobile phones ,No matter how much old technology it is based upon.

2. Go to your mobile screen and Dial  *325#  or *fbk# and Press the dial button  and get started.

3. Next you will receive instructions like entering your username and password ,press ok or send button and You will see a message "Welcome to facebook- along with various options like news feeds, Update status , Online friends ,Notifications ,Settings etc.) Numbers 1,2,3... is provided before every option , choose the option you want accordingly "

                        Watch this video that gives a Demo of accessing Facebook by Fonetwish

Service Charges and availability :

This service is available on most of the leading Mobile network operators in India like Airtel , Tata Docomo ,Aircel , Idea , Videocon etc.
Charges of this service is Rs 1.00 for unlimited usage.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Paul Krassner : Predictions for 2012

Lessee here: Paul Krassner will bring The Realist out of retirement, resurrect cartoonist Wally Wood, and publish a Republican Party Orgy centerfold. The Republican Party will not be amused.Predictions for 2012Ron Paul will unite with Ru Paul and they�ll perform on Dancing With the Stars.By Paul Krassner /The Rag Blog / January 12, 2012Politics: The electoral college will be replaced by a system

Tony Platt : Remembering Alex Haley and Mario Savio

Alex Haley. Image from Gather.A Better Day:Remembering Alex Haley and Mario SavioBy Tony Platt / The Rag Blog / January 12, 2012Let me drink from the waterswhere the mountain streams floodLet the smell of wildflowersflow free through my bloodLet me sleep in your meadowswith the green grassy leavesLet me walk down the highwaywith my brother in peaceLet me die in my footsteps?Before I go down under

[How To] Easily write in Indian languages Online using Quillpad

Now ,writing on your computer or mobile in Indian languages like Hindi , Punjabi , Marathi , Bengali , Gujarati , Tamil   is not more a complex task . As we all know India is a country which is very diverse in many aspects and numbers of languages are spoken and used in different states of India . Though there are lots of useful softwares available online for typing Indian languages but some of them have some limitations in their working.

Quillpad is one of the best site I have explored for typing in Indian languages.It is developed by an Indian developer and Quillpad can help you type in Kannada , malyalam , punjabi , Nepali and many more indian lanuages.
                       (This is snapshot that I have captured while I was typing in Punjabi )

It is very simple to use . Just launch the editor , Choose the language you want to type , Type in English on the editor and it Converts instantly into other language. Also it gives various options(Predictions) below the typed english word so that you can select the one that is written right or perfect. Also you can save whatever you have written , and all the features like Cut , copy and share it, email the wriiten content , Choose the B I U (Bold , Italic and Underline) , change the Font size , colour etc. is there on the quillpad editor. You can learn the technical details of quallipad here.

So if you want to write in your mother languare on Facebook , Send Sms to your buddies in hindi or many other languare , Quallipad will do that for you without any charge because this Intelligent typing service is absolutely free.

Recently Quillpad launched Quillpad Touch App for Ipad(For iOS 5.0 or above)that can be bought for $1.99
Try typing now :
Website link: www.quillpad.in
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Also read : Top 10 free Sms websites India and international.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Alan Waldman : My 10 Favorite Films of 2011

Octavia Spencer in The Help.The Help is powerful, complex:My 10 favorite films of 2011By Alan Waldman / The Rag Blog / January 11, 2012As was the case last year, some of the films I was most anticipating (The King's Speech then, The Descendants now) hadn�t played in my hometown of Corvallis, Oregon, by the time I was compiling my list, so they will be eligible for next year�s list.In addition to

Bruce Melton : What Can Be Done About Climate Change in Texas?

What a mess. Even without the fires, our natural environment has been devastated by these droughts. This scene was taken in late August just around the corner from my house in southwest Austin. Fortunately I have only lost a handful of immature trees and a few 12-foot shrubs. -- B.M. Photo by Bruce Melton / The Rag Blog.What is to be done?Welcome to climate change in Texas / 3By Bruce Melton /

Paul Robbins : Switching on the Sunshine

Flipping the switch at solar farm near Austin, Texas. Rag Blog photo.Let the sunshine in:On being young and crazy in AustinThey say that victory has 1,000 parents, but defeat is an orphan.By Paul Robbins / The Rag Blog / January 11, 2012AUSTIN -- On Friday, Jan. 6, Austin officially commissioned its new 30-megawatt solar plant. It is one of the largest solar installations in the U.S. Austin and

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Richard D. Jehn : Moving Through the End of Growth

Transformation time. Image from Fluxed Up World.Moving through the end of growthand the collapse of the U.S. as we know itWelcome to the New World.By Richard D. Jehn / The Rag Blog / January 10, 2012Although my headline implies catastrophe, and I firmly believe that there are now factors beyond our control that strongly suggest we are in for an unprecedented hard time, this article is actually

Monday, January 9, 2012

Carl Gibson : Grow Up, Ron Paul

Running away from home. Image from goodbuddies inc.Grow up, Ron PaulRon Paul's right-libertarian ideology does espouse a new kind of freedom, just as rebellious children who fantasize about running away from home dream of a new kind of freedom.By Carl Gibson / Reader Supported News / January 9, 2012Like most other little kids, all I wanted to do was eat junk food, play video games, and goof

Ted McLaughlin : Are We Marching to War With Iran?

Dogs of war. Graphic from Press TV.Dogs are barking:Are we marching to war with Iran?By Ted McLaughlin / The Rag Blog / January 9, 2012The animosity between the United States and Iran has a longer history than most Americans realize. Before 1950, most of the oil assets of that country were owned by Western powers (mainly the United Kingdom and the United States).The countries paid the Shah (King)

Harry Targ : Brute Facts and Political Choices, 2012

Protesters at the State Capitol building in Madison, WI., demonstrating against Gov. Scott Walker�s anti-union legislation. Photo by Mark Hirsch / Getty Images.Brute facts and political choices:Thinking about 2012By Harry Targ / The Rag Blog / January 9, 2012The year 2011 was truly an exciting year for progressives. Arab spring sent shock waves across the Middle East, launching a campaign for

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Chellis Glendinning : In Bolivia, 'The Repression Strengthened Us!'

Native demonstrators march on La Paz to protest highway construction. Photo from AFP.Letter from Bolivia:'The repression strengthened us!'The ragtag band walked day and night in flip-flops, and the hearts of Bolivians went out to them...By Chellis Glendinning / The Rag Blog / January 5, 2012LA PAZ, Bolivia -- One wrong move, forgetting to take your hat off, the interruption of a phone ringing

THEATER / Jonah Raskin : Zayd Dohrn's 'Outside People'

Cast of Outside People at the Vineyard theater in New York. Inset photo: playwright Zayd Dohrn.We�re all outsiders now:Zayd Dohrn�s new play, Outside PeopleThe play -- which is part situation comedy, part soap opera, and part prophecy -- plays with and deconstructs stereotypes of Americans and Chinese.By Jonah Raskin / The Rag Blog / January 5, 2012Zayd Dohrn�s new 90-minute drama, Outside

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Bruce Melton : Has Texas Crossed a Climate Threshold?

Downtown Austin seen from near the intersection of Loop 360 and US 290/71 West. This photo was taken in early September 2011. The brownish yellow- and red-leaved trees in the left and bottom right foreground are elms. They naturally shed their leaves early during our hottest summers and September is still summertime in Central Texas! The fall leaf drop does not start until October. This year is

UC Browser 8 Andriod final version launched.

UC Browsers which are world famous browsers for mobiles has come out with a brand new UC 8 for Andriod Users. The brand new 8 versions comes with a powerful rendering engine and higher system reqirements.

Features :
1. Based on the powerful U3 kernel structure with improved performance , speed , intelligence .
2. Low power consumption and Good looks.
3. Faster , smooth and saves you a lot adata by its Page compression technology.
4. Download Manager with  resuming capability.
5. Streaming of video can be done easily.
6. Page scrolling and switching speed is fast. Tabs are provided , multi-tabs can be opened and switched        back and forth easily.
7.Shortcuts To popular websites like Facebook , Yahoo , Google , Twitter is placed on the start page and other websites you visits frequently or your favourites one can also be placed as a shortcut on homescreen.

Good new for java users too , UC has released updated version of java version with improved page speed.
Take a look at the snapshots of UC 8 for andriod.   

Download link for Uc browser 8 for Andriod.
Link 2
I would strongly recommend all the Andriod users that they must  try this browser. I used it on my Samsung galaxy and it is working fine but the this version does not have Night mode option that was an awesome feature of previous versions.
Also read :
UC 7.8 for blackberry
UC browser Indipendance Day Version
UC browser Diwali version

Rag Radio : Bruce Melton on the Real-World Effects of Climate Change

Climate change activist Bruce Melton, left, with Rag Radio host Thorne Dreyer, in the KOOP studios in Austin, Texas, Friday, Dec. 30, 2011. Photo by Tracey Schulz / Rag Radio.Environmental activist Bruce Melton discussesthe real-world effects of climate change on Rag Radiowith Thorne Dreyer. Listen to it here: Tom Hayden, progressive political activist and SDS founder, will be Thorne Dreyer's

Bob Feldman : Populism, Labor Organizing, and White Chauvinism in Texas, 1876-1890

Flag of the Texas Farmers Alliance. Image from HHS AP US History.The hidden history of TexasPart VIII: Populism, labor organizing, and white chauvinism in Texas, 1876-1890By Bob Feldman / The Rag Blog / January 4, 2012[This is Part 8 of Bob Feldman's Rag Blog series on the hidden history of Texas.]Between 1870 and 1890 the number of people who lived in Texas increased from 818,000 to 2,235,000

Ryan Holeywell : Meet Occupy Wall Street's Favorite Banker

The Bank of North Dakota: The country's only publicly-owned state bank.The Case for public state banks:Meet Occupy Wall Street's favorite bankerBy Ryan Holeywell / SolidarityEconomy.Net / January 4, 2012See clip from Michael Moore's Capitalism: A Love Story, Below.Try to find a bank president that�s beloved by supporters of the Occupy Wall Street movement. It�s not impossible. You�ll just have to

Chitika - Google Adsense Alternative for Websites Review

I hope you all must be familiar with this term (Chitika). As Getting a Google adsense account is difficult task for many bloggers , So Bloggers search for various alternatives of Googla adsense in order to monetize their content  and Chitika is one among them .Chitika is serving ads since 2003 with Yahoo and bI-5media as its partners.

Chitka ads are of various types like Chitika premium, Chitika select , and Chitika mobile ads for mobile users. They do not serve images banner or flash ads like Adsense.

                                                            Preview of Chitika ads

When Chitika will work best for your website 

Chitika ads will work best if your Site / Blog receives traffic from US , Canada , UK , Australia , Belgium , Denamrk , Germany ,India , Sweden , Spain , New-Zealand , Italy ,Netherlands and France .

Watch this video that shows the Chitika Dashboard and Earning's summary.

Chitika will work for small as well as Large publishers

Chitika divides the websites in 3 tiers or category depending upon the number of impressions a website is getting. These tiers are Gold , Silver and Bronze respectively.

Chitka is compatible with Google adsense that means both the advertising program can be used at the same time on a website.

Chitika minimum payout :

Chitika offers revenue payout both via check and Paypal account.

Minimum Payout : $ 10 (via paypal)   and  $ 50 (via check).
Payments are based on 'Net 30'  basis that means if you sign up for chitika on 10 th january and earns threshold minimum payout say $14 by the end of january , then you will receive this money at the end of february.

Chitika vs Google Adsense

Well Google adsense beats chitika in the CPC i.e. cost per click. Google adsense program gives much high Cpc as compared to Chitika CPC. However if it is used along with google adsense it will turn out to be best monetization program . Suppose you earn $ 100 every month by 2 Adsense Units then , putting 1 chitika unit will give you additional  $ 25. So your total earning will be $125 . So I will suggest all the webmasters and bloggers that they must use Chitika along with Adsense inorder to earn maximum.Howver if you are not able to get adsense till now, You must give a try to Chitika ads.

Sign Up For Chitika

Monday, January 2, 2012

[ How to] email files larger than 25MB

Most of the popular e-mail service like Gmail , Yahoo , rediffmail , hotmail allows you to send files as an attachment , But the file Size is limited to 25 Mb or 50 MB in some services. However if you try to send files more than 25 MB , it is rejected as the Size increases.

So , lets explore some of the popular services available online that can help you in sending large Files that can in GB's as well.

1. Toobigforemail 

Toobigforemail allows you to send , receive large files upto 2GB.You just need to fill up a form regarding details such as sender's Email id , Recipient email id ,subject,choose the file that you want to send. Click the upload button ,it will start uploading /sending the file.

The form shown in the image shows the neccessary details required to fill in , similar to composing email in commom email services like Gmail , Yahoo .

2. Dropsend : This service offers you various plans like Lite ,basic ,Standard , pro , Business . The Lite plan is free while other costs from $ 5 to $ 99 a month. Lite plan allows you to send file upto 2GB. However you can send only 5 times in a month.If you wish to send more files , You can choose plan according to your needs.

3. Gigasize : Gigasize also allows you to send files upto 2GB . It also serves free and premium account. Free account gives you account storage of 2 GB and file is deleated after 45 days of inactivity.

4. Supershare : Supershare offers unlimited file transfer of size upto 2GB.

4. Boxify.me : Boxify requires no sign-up or registration. Just select the file , type the recepient email id and start uploading .
5. Beside the above , there are many other websites such as Wetranfer , Box.com ,Yousendit , Lycos  that can be used for sending large files of upto 3GB size.

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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Dell inspiron 14R (n4110) with switchable lids Review |Price

Recently I bought a brand new Dell Inspiron 14R n4110 model laptop. So , I am reviewing this gadget in this post and it will be helpful to you if you are planning to buy a brand new Dell for you in 2012.

This Gadget is better known as Design studio series by Dell as the laptop can be redesigned with fresh looks as the back lid is switchable.So those who loves fancy gadgets , it is a good choice.

The laptop is available with RAM(memory) from 2GB to 6 GB. Well I choosed the 3GB version ,since I uses laptop only for Internet and  word processing and office works only.

What inside Dell 14R (N4110)

1. Beautiful HD Led display with resolution of 1366x68 .
2. Nice sound quality with 2 SRS premium speakers at the bottom edge.
3. Upto 500 GB of hard disk.
4. 1.0 megapixel webcam
5.  Wifi works fine powered by Intel Centrino Wireless-N 1030.
6.  Chiclet keyboard. 
7.  Change lid when you want. Back lids is swithable.
8.  6 cell lithium ion battery that lasts upto 4 hrs.
9.  2 USB 3.0 ports for faster data transfer.
10. Powerful Intel's 2nd generation processors. (i3 and i5).
11. Comes with Genuine Windows 7 Home premium. 
12. Touchpad works fine.
13. Choose video cards as per your reqirement.  

So , It is a nice gadget from Dell and the best part of this gadget is that It comes with  One year complete accidental warranty.

Check the detailed technical specifications of Dell 14r N4110 .

Price : Dell inspiron 14R(n4110) price range starts from $ 500 while in India It price starts from Rs. 29,900 for the 2Gb version and the price increases according to your needs of processor , video card and memory(RAM).

The only problem I faced with this Gadget was while changing its back LID/cover.

How to change the back lid of Dell 14R ?
The video below shows a tutorial that shows how to change the back lid of Dell N4110 .There are number of designs available and they are available for $ 38.
Just Pop - Click -Switch , 3 Simple steps and you are done

So,  I must say It's a good gadget and I have not faced any problem (apart from changing the lid) till now.
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