Hezk� r�no :) Venku je opravdu, ale opravdu velk� zima, nicm�ne divadeln� sez�na je v pln�m proudu (i kdy� pri ka�d� ceste domu neuveritelne mrznu). Tohle byl jeden z m�ch vecern�ch outfitu. V posledn�ch letech u� divadlo nen�, co b�valo - st�le v�ce lid� chod� proste jen v rifl�ch nebo v cemkoliv jin�m, v cem pravdepodobne chodili cel� den. A pak ani nen� o prest�vce co pozorovat. Nicm�ne pro me je to v�dycky vz�cn� pr�le�itost, kdy mu�u vyt�hnout nejak� hezk� �aty a trochu si u��t i tu pr�pravu, nejenom samotn� divadlo. Co vy a divadlo? A co vy a zima?
Good morning :) Outside it�s really really cold still theatrical season is in full flow (even though I�m freezing everytime I�m returning home). This was one of my evening outfits. During last few years we could notice not very pleasant trend - still more and more people when going to theatre dress in jeans or just something they probably have been wearing all day. And then there�s nothing to observe at the interval. However, I really like to take out from the wardrobe some nice dress and enjoy also a preparation, not only the theatre. What about you and theatre? And what about you and winter?
Wearing: �aty/dress TOPSHOP, boty/heels DEICHMANN
Elle ?