It is solid and secure in this Contracting State maintain economy and uncertain world your company probably looking for additional sources of revenue. Production of specialized sale is a fast and reliable income pattern extra fast. Write a "white book" or a special report, is a good way, even as an expert in his field and share valuable information about your prospects set.
Most ingredients for an e-book or special report in your files or files may already requires. Find out what ingredients customers willing to pay for material available from other sources, and what copy be included to arouse their interest in purchasing items in your marketing.
Here are the steps to follow if your write special report:
· Keep your goal in mind before you begin.
· Find a way, increase and at the same time, the cost of the acquisition of these sales?
· Attempts to impress and what is important to them?
· Which method of distribution will be better?
· How many people want to have this report?
· Make sure that the design of his nice easy to read special report and it is.
· Note that it's basically salesmanship in print.
· Maintain their precise facts, very short and the point. The poet your information more valuable and more cultivating the interest of your reader.
· Write a treatment for the title. 95% of our readers will decide whether its based completely on its head special report, whereby large and profit-driven make read are.
Get on the Web. If an E-mail message to others, include the URL of your white paper in your GIS line of the E-mail or include the URL in its special report on e-Mail discussion lists to promote.
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